No Peace ~ SW Scotland

Leading up to a survey trip, Randall Adams asked God how he and his wife, Sherry, could better know that Southwest Scotland was where God was leading them. God’s reply to him was that when people asked why, they should respond, “Because the God of peace wants to dwell here and do amazing things.” The third time they gave this reply, they found all the confirmation they needed. (Read about the beginnings and the first two replies in Destination: SW Scotland.)

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The couple exchanged stunned glances as they processed what they had just heard. Did Randall and Sherry really understood what they had been saying?

Randall, visiting with his and Sherry’s friends, a local pastor and his wife, and noticing how their expressions suddenly changed asked them what it was about. “What did I say and what did you hear?”

“That’s very interesting that God gave you the term, ‘The God of peace wants to dwell here,’” the couple said. Then the wife added, “There is no peace.”

“What do you mean?” Randall asked.

“It’s one of the most violent places in Southwest Scotland. The authorities are always having to extradite people out of there for their own safety before they get killed. Whether it’s drugs or domestic violence or all kinds of stuff, it’s crazy.”

Then the couple shared with Randall and Sherry about the boldness of the demonic in Southwest Scotland, about the ancient tradition of Hogmanay still being practiced and how kids in the area, even their own daughter, have reported being able to see demons walking around.

* * *

Randall said that was an eye-opening moment and key to realizing that one city* as a significant spiritual point to the rest of Southwest Scotland.

“The strongholds need to be broken there to enable people to start coming to Christ – there’s too much bondage. And I believe that’s one reason God’s putting us [there]. It seems like such an insignificant spot on a map, but to that whole area, it’s pivotal.”

When they returned stateside, Randall researched more on the city and found that the local castle was a fort built in 1124 to serve as a buffer between England and Scotland and the seat of England appointed ruler Robert DeBruc, dubbed “a harsh and ruthless man,” who was given the task of suppressing any Scottish rebellions against England that arose in the area. In essence, the city had a history of being a conflict zone.

It was set. God had provided their direction and confirmed it with some understanding about the area. Thus began the process of making plans to return.

Several months, a couple financial partners and a cancelled summer return trip later, they found themselves questioning once again when and how God wanted them to move forward. Did God want them to continue with their new faith date of returning in August? Or did He want them to wait longer and find other work? Randall and Sherry raised these questions up to God in prayer and waited for a response.

Before too long, Sherry told Randall that she heard God say to go and Randall said God had given him a flash of images people returning from summer vacations, shops being reopened and kids returning to school. Randall was glad God had answered them, but with one answer came other questions that provided no peace.

“So Sherry heard go and I saw all this imagery. And then I said, ‘Okay, what about funding? Because we’re $12,000 away… How are You going to fund this?’”

Sherry heard Him say, “I am your provider. Trust me with the twelve.”


The story continues in An End to the Darkness.

*Due to special request by Randall, I have left the name of the exact city out of this blog series. For more information, you can contact Randall directly at

Evening in Annan
The city street at 4 p.m., mid-winter.

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